Saraswat special


Kulit Pithi

Kulith pithale is another konkan special recipe. This is also known as pithi in Konkan. This is very easy and quick recipe. This is delicious and healthy recipe. This is a curry recipe which goes fantastic with rice or bhakari.

Polyphenols, proteins and flavonoids are some of the major antioxidants that are present in kulith dal. These antioxidants help in keeping our body young and vibrant.

Unprocessed kulith dal can help in controlling blood sugar as it slows down digestion of carbs and reduces insulin resistance.

Traditionally, kulith dal has been proved to be beneficial in dealing with conditions such as asthma, jaundice and water retention. The dal can be helpful for conjunctivitis and piles as well.

Phenol content in kulith attacks fatty tissue in the body and thus helps in managing obesity.