These plants prefer evergreen forests, but sometimes they also thrive in areas with relatively low rainfall. It is also cultivated on a small scale.
Kokoum can be either eaten raw or drunk in the form of juice. Sun-dried kokum is often used as a souring agent or as an additive in foods.
Kokum helps in preventing infections and has both antifungal and antioxidant properties. The fruit can also be used as a preservative.
Kokum is a powerhouse of essential nutrients and vitamins in the body. it contains malic acid, citric acid and carbs. It has a healthy mixture of B-Vitamins and contains ascorbic acid, manganese, potassium, dietary fibre and garcinol. Health benefits of kokum are great for pregnancy and the developing baby.
Kokum can be helpful for people suffering from digestion issues. Conditions like dysentery and constipation can be effectively dealt with by having kokum.