Saraswat special


Amba Poli

Amba Poli is a very easy and simple recipe. After mango season is over you can enjoy mango through this amba poli. It tastes just yummy.

Aam poli is an Indian fruit leather made out of mango pulp mixed with concentrated sugar solution and sun dried. It is also known as Aamta (Assamese),amawat (Hindi), mamidi tandra (Telugu), aamsotto (Bengali) and amba vadi (Marathi). Traditional Aam poli is sweet, although it is available in different varieties. It can be preserved for months making it popular in the off season of mangoes.

Aamba poli is manufactured in North India as well as South India. In the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, the Adavinekkalam village in East Godavari district is famous for its mamidi tandra. Aamba poli is also exported abroad from India.